Anne Leriche is Full Professor at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF) and researcher at the Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Materials and Processes (LMCPA) in Maubeuge (France).

She obtained a Master of Science in Chemistry with honors in 1981 and completed her PhD degree based on thesis work in engineering ceramics at Mons (Belgium) and at Leeds (UK) universities, with “summa cum laude”in 1986. She received the diploma “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” at UPHF in 1992. She has worked as a researcher at the University of Mons (B) and at the Belgian Ceramic Research Centre in Mons (B), as a research leader at Neoceram, a start-up company specialized in oxide ceramics and joined the UPHF in 1990. She led the laboratory from 1999 to 2016. She has supervised 21 PhD students, participated in several European projects, published 210 papers or proceedings and presented 38 invited lectures. She has served as the President of the French Ceramic Society, of the European Ceramic Society, of the JECS Trust and as Board Member of the Belgian Ceramic Society. She was elected member of the World Academy of Ceramics in 2011, Fellow of the European Ceramic Society in 2013 and she received ECerS Stuijts Award in 2017. She was instrumental to initiate closer and stronger engagement with the ACerS by initiating the ACerS-ECerS Student exchange program (2013) and supporting the attendance of European young researchers to the ACerS Winter Workshops. She received the first ACerS-ECerS Award in 2020.

Her main research topics are linked to ceramic microstructural control during conventional as well as field-assisted or microwave sintering. Today, she has particular interest in processing functionalized calcium phosphate bioceramics with tailored porosity and interlocking microstructure using different manufacturing methods.