Anil V. Virkar是犹他州盐湖城犹他大学杰出教授和H. Kent Bowen捐赠的材料科学与工程主席。1967年,他获得印度理工学院冶金工程荣誉学士学位;路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日路易斯安那州立大学工程力学硕士(1969年);1973年,在伊利诺斯州埃文斯顿的西北大学获得材料科学博士学位。1973年,他作为博士后研究员加入犹他大学;1974年获委任为研究助理教授;助理教授(1976);副教授(1979年);教授(1984);杰出教授(2007)和H. Kent Bowen捐赠主席(2015),均在材料科学与工程。 He served as the Department Chair between (1998) and (2011). He has published over 250 paper, has received over 35 patents. His fields of research included processing of ceramics, fracture mechanics of ceramics, phase transformation mechanisms and kinetics of ceramics and transport in ceramics. He is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) (2007); Fellow of National Academy of Inventors (NAI); Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (2006); Fellow of ASM International (2010) and has received Utah Governor’s Medal of Science and Technology (2006). He has been a member of the American Ceramic Society since (1969). His primary affiliation is the with Basic Science Division. He became Fellow of the American Ceramic Society in (1992). He has received Ross-Coffin Purdy Award (1993); James Mueller Award (2013) and John Jeppson Award (2013). His current research focus is on solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers, lithium ion conductors, and electrochemical failure of solid electrolytes.