April Gocha

Other materials stories that may be of interest

ByApril Gocha / May 16, 2018

A designer’s toolkit for constructing complex nanoparticles, researcher develops a new generation of graphene, and other materials stories that may be of interest for May 16, 2018.

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A workout for your glass—Nanoparticle coating makes glass stronger, boosts impact resistance

ByApril Gocha / May 11, 2018

A company called MetaShield has developed a simple, spray-on, nanoparticle-based coating—and now independent laboratory testing verifies that the coating significantly enhances the impact resistance of glass.

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Video: Your skin becomes the touchscreen for this futuristic projector smartwatch

ByApril Gocha / May 9, 2018

Researchers and engineers at Carnegie Mellon University and ASU Tech Co. Ltd. in China have a solution that thinks outside the box—a smartwatch that has a built-in projector that instead turns your skin into the touchscreen.

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Other materials stories that may be of interest

ByApril Gocha / May 9, 2018

1-D zirconium tritelluride nanoribbons pack powerful punch for next generation electronics, bright future for solar cell technology, and other materials stories that may be of interest for May 9, 2018.

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Sintering smaller grains to build stronger ceramics

ByApril Gocha / May 8, 2018

Researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory have hit a new low—while their previous work with environmentally controlled pressure assisted sintering achieved grain sizes as small as 28 nm, they now report grain sizes of just 3.6 nm.

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Necessary roughness: Engineering particle surfaces to control how cements and other suspended materials flow

ByApril Gocha / May 4, 2018

Researchers from ETH Zurich have created a library of silicate particles and precisely studied how the surface roughness of particles affects the viscosity and thickening behavior of suspensions of those particles.

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Business and materials news

ByApril Gocha / May 3, 2018

Construction robots weld, bolt, lift to beat worker shortage, cheap 3D printer can produce self-folding materials, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre produces bulletproof jackets, and more business and materials news.

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Business and materials news

ByApril Gocha / May 2, 2018

How artificial intelligence is helping us discover materials faster than ever, neutrons provide insights into increased performance for hybrid perovskite solar cells, and more business and materials news.

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Business and materials news

ByApril Gocha / May 1, 2018

Automotive ceramics market projected to top two billion dollars within next five years, 3D printing electronics and cells directly on skin, new materials for sustainable low-cost batteries, and more business and materials news.

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More MXenes coming? New synthesis method widens range of MAX phases for MXene fabrication

ByApril Gocha / April 27, 2018

德雷塞尔大学的科学家设计了一个新的method to produce MXenes from MAX phases containing an “A” element other than aluminum—a development that could open novel opportunities in MXene synthesis.

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