From dull data to neat narrative: Constructing PowerPoint presentations through story framing and slide design

Thursday, September 3, 2020, at 11 am (Eastern Time)

Many university students will give an oral presentation at a science conference sometime during their undergraduate or graduate years. PowerPoint typically is used for such presentations, yet students often do not receive training on how to construct an engaging story and complementary slides with this program.

Are you planning on giving an oral presentation at an upcoming meeting? This webinar will familiarize you with the basics of creating a good PowerPoint presentation, including both composing the research story and crafting the slides.


This webinar will provide an overview of the two main parts of a PowerPoint presentation, i.e., the overall story and the slides. Several example PowerPoint presentations will be used throughout the webinar to demonstrate these design suggestions in practice.


在本网络研讨会中,丽莎·麦当劳(Lisa McDonald)将涵盖以下领域:

  • The importance of both narrative and aesthetics in presentation design
  • How to frame your story
  • How to compose your slides

Lisa McDonaldis Associate Editor and Science Writer at The American Ceramic Society. Prior to this position, McDonald worked at the American Institute of Physics: FYI and the ATLAS Experiment at CERN.


她已经在实验室之外的科学职业的重要性(例如科学政策和科学教育)进行了演讲,包括在APS 2018年3月会议上。


If you missed the webinar, please make sure toreview the recording.

如果您有任何疑问,请联系Yolanda Natividad.

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