In our everyday life, we are surrounded by ceramics and glass. The house where we live and the place where we work may have been built, at least partially, with bricks, mortar, cement, and concrete. Refractory bricks line the fireplace.瓷砖可以装饰一个或多个房间的楼层,以及墙壁和厨房台面。陶瓷制品屋顶瓷砖are often used to insulate buildings, to create a water barrier and allow for proper water drainage. Glass windows and skylights provide natural illumination and protection from the outside elements. Low-emissivity coatings andsmart glassare helping to create windows that are capable of controlling the amount of light coming in, while achieving energy savings. Glass fibers may be used to create an extra layer of insulation to keep the house cool in the summer and warm during the winter.

陶瓷和玻璃是有益的在厨房里or cooking, storing, and serving food. The finest tableware and cookware are made from porcelain. Wineglasses, pitchers, and jars are obtained from blown glass. Kitchenware based on Pyrex glass is ovenproof and used to cook premium baked goods. Ceramic coatings cover the oven’s internal surface and make it scratch-free, easy-to-clean, and well insulated to ensure uniform temperature. Even many washing machines and driers are coated with a porcelain enamel that is antiscratch, stain resistant and resistant to chemicals.


照明灯具comprise glass bulbs and, sometimes, shades, while unique shapes for lamp bases may be formed out of porcelain or earthenware. Our favorite pictures are protected with a glass layer and enclosed in a frame that may be carved out of a ceramic substrate. Objects of art decorating the house may be shaped from glass or ceramic.

Tables and furniture often have mirrors or see-through glass. French doors comprise small rectangular sheets of glass held together by a wooden frame. The entertainment area centers around a flat panel TV with a large glass panel. Inside the TV and other home electronics there are printed circuit boards containing a variety of passive components based on ceramic materials.

户外, ceramic flower pots, statuettes, and bird baths may adorn the garden. Brick driveways may give the home a rustic appearance.

Out and about, car and trucks have window glass and many mechanical and electronic components produced from strong and durable ceramics. Bridges are built from concrete, as well as some roads and power line poles.


其他运动,其中陶瓷和玻璃是高尔夫,滑雪,滑雪板,汽车赛车和骑自行车。这些运动中使用高性能陶瓷和陶瓷或玻璃或玻璃复合材料,以制造轻质和耐用的结构,如陶瓷推杆,用于智能滑雪板的压电材料,滑雪板的玻璃层压板,以及赛车的陶瓷制动器。陶瓷点已经印在织物上以实现超强,抗菌球衣骑自行车的人。还,bioceramic athletic recovery sleepwear最近介绍过。

The main applications of ceramics and glass for everyday life applications are illustrated in the table below.


在哪里? 什么? 例子
Indoors 耐火砖 1
Tiles 2
厨具 3.
Porcelain enamels for appliances

卫生洁具 5.
照明灯具 6.
装饰陶器 7.
户外 Roof tiles 8.
Garden items 9.
桥梁和道路 10.
Concrete tennis court 11.
体育项目 12.
建造 窗户和建筑玻璃 13.
用于绝缘的玻璃纤维 14.
泳池箱 15.
Indoors 厨具 16.
灯泡和照明灯具 17.
家具和镜子 18.
法国门 19.
TV glass 20.
户外 汽车玻璃 21.

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