The nearly $4.5 trillion global electronics industry would not exist without ceramics. Ceramic-based components are indispensable in products such as smartphones, computers, televisions, automotive electronics, and medical devices.


用作电绝缘体的陶瓷产品包括火花塞,密封包装,陶瓷弧管以及裸线和电源线的保护零件(例如珠子和管)。这些产品主要用于汽车,海洋运输,航空航天和电力分布等领域。在这些产品中,火花塞代表最古老,最受欢迎的插头。它们是在1860年首次发明的,目的是为内燃机点燃燃料,并且今天仍用于此目的。但是,随着汽车行业转向电动和混合动力汽车,对陶瓷火花塞的需求预计将下降。这些产品的主要供应商将其在电陶瓷的专业知识指向其他组件,例如ceramic solid-state batteries.

从市场的角度来看,被动组件的需求最大。被动组件被称为这样,因为它们无法控制电路中电子的流动,这与活动组件不同(也称为半导体设备)。被动组件仅用于存储或转换能量。陶瓷电容器代表了被动组件市场的大部分,最近由于移动设备和通信部门的需求强劲而经历了快速增长。这些电容器利用放置在两个或多个金属层之间的陶瓷材料(称为介电)的绝缘性能来存储电荷。陶瓷电容器的尺寸非常小,几乎是微观的。最近,多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC)仅测量0.25mm x 0.125 mm x 0.125 mm的(已商业化)。

Other types of passive components include fixed and variable resistors (they use ceramics to dissipate energy), inductors (they use a magnetically permeable ceramic to create a magnetic field), and circuit protection devices (they use a semiconducting ceramic to protect the circuit against transient voltage surges).

Piezoelectric ceramics are materials that generate an electrical charge when pressure is applied or change size under an electric field. They are used to transform mechanical energy into electric energy or vice versa. These devices are becoming increasingly popular for use as filters, resonators, transducers, acoustic elements, actuators, and components for pressure sensors. Easy to manufacture in various shapes and sizes, piezoelectric ceramics contribute significantly to the miniaturization of electro-mechanical features and, consequently, are gaining greater penetration in the fields of consumer electronics, robotics, automotive, sensors and instrumentation, and energy harvesting.


在电子领域,玻璃主要用于制造电视,计算机和移动设备的显示面板。便携式设备的前所未有的大规模吸引力导致生产商创建ultra-tough glassthat does not break when dropped.

Glass powder is also added in thick film paste for metallization of electronic components, whereas glass seals are used in certain applications to protect electronic devices from the environment.Flexible glass正在生产用于制造柔性设备的制造,例如有机光发射二极管(OLEDS)。


表面涂覆陶瓷和玻璃的主要应用cal and electronic applications

在哪里? What? Examples
Transportation electrical systems 火花塞 1
Power distribution Protective parts for power lines 2
Electronic circuits 电容器 3
电阻 4
Inductors 5
Circuit protection devices
(for example, metal oxide varistors)
高温和低温联合陶瓷 7
压电设备 8
音频系统 磁铁 9
显示 Rigid panels 10
柔性面板 11

图片来源:1。Pixabay;2。Pixabay;3。Pixabay;4。Pixabay;5。盘绕,微波杂志;6。Kingtronics Kt, YouTube;7.Konstantin Lanzet,Wikimedia;8.ydaultrasonic, YouTube;9.Omegatron,Wikimedia;10。ZGXoff, YouTube;11.CNET, YouTube

